First Kiss Contest

The First Kiss Contest is officially open. What does that mean for you? Your entry will be scored by one published author and one qualified, unpublished judge. And you won’t just receive a list of scores. Judges are encouraged to insert comments directly on the manuscript and will complete a score sheet identifying strengths and weaknesses of your scene. We are also very excited to announce that the final judge is Patience Smith, Senior Editor, Silhouette Romantic Suspense at Harlequin. She will judge six finalists. So, click on the Contest link and send in your entry today. If you are interested in judging, please email Janet Louise Campbell at [email protected].

Time to renew your membership

It’s that time of year again… to renew your membership in the New England Chapter of RWA.

We’ve made it very simple. Just click on the Join or renew membership link in the righthand column. You may pay via Paypal right from the website or complete the renewal application and select payment by check. Send checks, made payable to NEC, for $35.00 (includes emailed newsletter) or for $45.00 (includes paper copy of the newsletter), to:

Jackie C. Horne
Treasurer, NEC-RWA
8 Harris Street
Cambridge, MA 02140

You may also renew at the monthly NEC meeting on Sunday, August 19, 2012 – click here for details of the upcoming meeting. Renewal forms will be available at the meeting.

We have  a Perseverance Fund to assist members who cannot afford their NEC dues – if you are interested in donating to the fund, you can include the amount in your renewal check.

We welcome back all NEC members as we look forward to an exciting year ahead of us which includes contests for unpublished and published authors, the annual conference, monthly meetings, NEC loop, newsletter, Facebook page, and of course all the support from fellow writers. Non-members may attend up to three chapter meetings a year as a guest for $5.00 each time.

Any questions, please email Jackie at [email protected].