Workshop Description: Dream of being a Disney Princess? A Marvel superhero? Do you want to expand on the world of your favorite fandom—and actually get paid to do so? In this presentation, Disney author Mari Mancusi takes you behind the scenes of media tie-in writing and demystifies this unique niche of traditional publishing. She’ll explain how to break into the world, give you the pros and cons of writing for a property/company versus your own works (Fun fact: it’s still super creative!), and walk you through the entire process from hire to finished book.
Bio: Mari Mancusi used to wish she could become a vampire back in high school. But she ended up in another blood sucking profession –journalism — instead. Today she works as an award-winning young adult author and freelance television producer, for which she has won two Emmys.
When not writing about fanciful creatures of myth and legend, Mari enjoys traveling, cosplay, watching cheesy (and scary) horror movies, and her favorite guilty pleasure–videogames. (World of Warcraft is her all time favorite.) A graduate of Boston University, she lives in Austin, Texas with her husband Jacob, daughter Avalon, and their two dogs.
Twitter: @marimancusi
Instagram: @marimancusi
TikTok: @marimancusi8