February 16, 2025: Who ARE All These People? Secondary Characters in Romance

Our February, 2025 monthly meeting will start at 1:00 P.M. with a workshop titled “Who ARE All These People? Secondary Characters in Romance,” presented by Jenifer Safrey, which will be followed by our general business and social meeting. Not a NERW member but want to attend the workshop? Join NERW now and receive access to our monthly workshops, private email forum, and Facebook group!   

Workshop Description: We’re falling in love with the main characters, so why do we need secondary characters in romance? What roles do they play? What are the do’s and don’ts of secondary characters? Author Jennifer Safrey discusses how to use secondary characters in a story where the main focus is on the main characters’ relationship.

Bio: Jennifer Safrey is the author of five traditionally published romances. Her new book, After Happily Ever: An Epic Novel of Midlife Rebellion, will be a June 2025 release. She lives just south of Boston.