Notice of Special Meeting of the Members – June 30, 2021 at 7:00 P.M.

By unanimous written consent, NERW’s Board of Directors (the “Board”) voted today pursuant to Section 6.1.2 of NERW’s Amended and Restated Corporate Bylaws to hold a Special Meeting of the Members at 7:00 PM on Wednesday, June 30, 2021 (via Zoom). The purpose and agenda for this Special Meeting will be for the membership of NERW to vote on proposed amendments to NERW’s bylaws and articles of organization. Eligible members may vote live at the Special Meeting or may vote by providing their completed proxy form to a member attending the meeting. Members eligible to vote at the Special Meeting are all General members of NERW, as of the record date of June 30, 2021. Proxy forms must be received on or before Wednesday, June 30, 2021 at 5:00 P.M. Proxies may be revoked at or before the Special Meeting if a General member wishes to vote live.

If you are a General member of NERW and you wish to vote by proxy, the proxy form and instructions have been emailed to members who have joined NERW’s email forum and were also posted to NERW’s private member Facebook group.

If you wish to attend the Special Meeting, Zoom information has been posted to NERW’s email forum and private member Facebook group, or you may contact NERW’s President via the Contact Form. You may also use the Contact Form to contact us with any questions or concerns.

Notice of Special Meeting of NECRWA Chapter and Disaffiliation Vote


By unanimous written consent, NECRWA’s Board of Directors (the “Board”) has voted to approve a resolution for NECRWA to disaffiliate from RWA by no later than September 30, 2020, and to set a special meeting for a disaffiliation vote by the NECRWA membership. The Board will be issuing a statement regarding its disaffiliation vote after the chapter meeting on Sunday, February 16th.

This message serves as notice that a Special Meeting of the Membership will be held on Sunday, March 15, 2020 at 1:00 PM in the Great Room at Old Town Hall, 16 South Road, Bedford, Massachusetts. The purpose and agenda for this Special Meeting will be for the membership of NECRWA to vote on disaffiliation of the chapter. In accordance with NECRWA’s bylaws, NECRWA’s Board of Directors has fixed the record date for determining the members entitled to vote at the Special Meeting as February 13, 2020. Only General chapter members in good standing as of February 13, 2020 are entitled to cast a vote. Eligible members may vote in person at the Special Meeting or by electronic ballot prior to the Special Meeting. Electronic ballots will be distributed within the next few days.

The Special Meeting will be followed by NECRWA’s regular monthly chapter meeting.

Please contact Alexa Rowan at president @ with any questions or concerns.

We Need You–to volunteer!


Are you a new member of NECRWA wondering how to become more involved in the organization? An old hand with experience to share? A member who lives too far away to attend monthly meetings, but who would still like to contribute to the organization?

Consider volunteering!

NECRWA is always in need of members to help organize and run our group, as well as the many events we hold throughout the year.  We are currently looking for members who would be willing to serve the organization in the following ways:


Audit Committee: Chair and two other members

Do you have accounting or other financial management experiencing? Are you good at math? Do you want to help NECRWA without having to leave the comfort of your own home? We are looking for three volunteers to serve on an Audit Committee which will be reviewing NECRWA’s accounting for the 2017 year.

Contact Stephanie Kay ([email protected]) for more information, or to volunteer.


Welcoming Committee

Are you a seasoned NECRWA member willing to share your experiences with brand new members? Invite new members to engage in online and in person conversations? Check in with newbies to make sure that they feel welcome, and a valued part of the organization? Volunteer to serve on the newly formed Welcoming Committee.

Contact Jackie Horne ([email protected]) for more information, or to volunteer.


Conference Chair, 2019 Conference

Even though 2018’s conference has not yet taken place, planning for next year’s conference is already beginning! Do you want to help choose the conference site and speakers? Do you have event-planning experience? Great organizational skills? The ability to keep a group of volunteers on track? Then we are looking for you! Additional perk: our Conference Chair attends conference free of charge.

Contact current Conference Chair Kristen Strassel ([email protected]) for more information, or Jackie Horne ([email protected]) to volunteer


2018 Conference Volunteers

Don’t have a lot of time to spare, but still want to help out? We’ll soon be sending out a call for volunteers for April’s conference, to help out in a variety of ways: moderating a workshop session; helping at the registration table; helping to distribute giveaway books, etc. Help make this year’s conference a success by volunteering an hour or two of your time!

Time to Renew Your Membership

Our membership year begins on January 1, 2015.  Don’t forget to renew your membership before the end of this month.  We look forward to seeing you at our meetings, our conference, on our chapter loop and Facebook Group.

If you have any questions about membership (or anything NEC related), please contact Myretta Robens at [email protected] or Jackie Horne at [email protected]

To renew, use the Membership Application Form which is always linked on our sidebar.

Time to renew your membership

It’s that time of year again… to renew your membership in the New England Chapter of RWA.

We’ve made it very simple. Just click on the Join or renew membership link in the righthand column. You may pay via Paypal right from the website or complete the renewal application and select payment by check. Send checks, made payable to NEC, for $35.00 (includes emailed newsletter) or for $45.00 (includes paper copy of the newsletter), to:

Jackie C. Horne
Treasurer, NEC-RWA
8 Harris Street
Cambridge, MA 02140

You may also renew at the monthly NEC meeting on Sunday, August 19, 2012 – click here for details of the upcoming meeting. Renewal forms will be available at the meeting.

We have  a Perseverance Fund to assist members who cannot afford their NEC dues – if you are interested in donating to the fund, you can include the amount in your renewal check.

We welcome back all NEC members as we look forward to an exciting year ahead of us which includes contests for unpublished and published authors, the annual conference, monthly meetings, NEC loop, newsletter, Facebook page, and of course all the support from fellow writers. Non-members may attend up to three chapter meetings a year as a guest for $5.00 each time.

Any questions, please email Jackie at [email protected].